🎉HOORAY! Your grain filling course is on its way, Check Your Email In 5 Minutes!!!

But Before You Go...

If you've been wanting to paint your cabinets but scared you'll mess them up, watch this short video to see how I can banish your anxiety and show you how you can achieve amazing results!

You've been wanting painted cabinets for SO long, but...

 💸 It's just too expensive to hire a pro and not in the budget right now

😩 Even though you dabble in home improvement projects, the thought of painting your cabinets is overwhelming

🤷🏼‍♀️ You're not quite sure how to even get started

😱 Simply too nervous and scared that you'd mess them up and regret the whole thing

✅ You're STUCK in endless INDECISION and INACTION!! 

You've been wanting painted cabinets for SO long, but...

 💸 It's just too expensive to hire a pro and not in the budget right now

😩 Even though you dabble in home improvement projects, the thought of painting your cabinets is overwhelming

🤷🏼‍♀️ You're not quite sure how to even get started

😱 Simply too nervous and scared that you'd mess them up and regret the whole thing

✅ You're STUCK in endless INDECISION and INACTION!!

You desperately wish you had the skills and confidence to DIY this paint project because it costs too much money to hire a professional...


...but you're also overwhelmed by the thought of DIY because it's intimidating and you want to be sure you could achieve amazing results!

 And if you're anything like me, you just want someone you can TRUST to show you what to do and how to do it because you learn better by watching & hearing versus just reading a tutorial!
If any of this sounds familiar, 

I have a solution for you...

In my signature, 

DIY Cabinet Painting 101 digital course, I show budget conscious homeowners how to paint their cabinets, step by step, 


What's inside 

diy cabinet painting 101...

  • Full length in-depth instructional videos (Valued at $97)

  • ​Linked supply lists to all materials (Valued at $17)

  • ​Exclusive access to our private Facebook group (This group is pure GOLD! I'm in there answering all your questions during the process!) - (Valued at $147)

  • ​FREE Bonus eBook 5 Must Know Tips For Choosing Your Perfect Paint Color (Valued at $27)

  • FREE ​Bonus instructional grain filling video (Valued at $47) 

Course and Bonuses are valued at over $300!

Right Now It's Only...

Here are the Juicy details...


training videos

Everything from proper prep work, priming, painting, spraying AND BRUSHING; I've recorded in depth, step by step instruction videos that walk through painting an entire kitchen start to finish! This format allows you to watch and learn then implement at YOUR OWN PACE! Each step of the process is broken into its own video for quick and easy reference!

Access to the


I've partnered with Ring's End home improvement store and together we've created a cabinet painting kit that includes ALL of the professional-grade supplies and materials needed to complete the job. It's NEVER been easier to get everything you need.

Simply point, click, buy!

No need to even leave your house AND they offer FREE shipping on orders over $150!

Printable checklists

After watching the videos, easily stay on task as you're working by printing out the detailed checklist and keeping it handy for reference as you go along. No missed steps, no confusion...just exactly what to do each step of the way.

Easy Peasy! 

exclusive Facebook Group

You'll have 6 months full access to our private Facebook community where you can ask any questions you might run into along the way! Get your questions answered quickly, it's like having a painter in your back pocket! I'm only one post-tag away from help inside our group when you need me!

(This group is GOLD!)

free bonus #1

5 Must know tips for choosing your perfect cabinet paint color ebook

"I can't decide what color to paint"

"Picking paint a paint color is too overwhelming"

"I'm scared I'll hate the color I choose"

These are just a few of the most common things I hear from homeowners. That's why I've included this eBook for free, because I know that picking the right color the first time is so important! I can help you do that for sure.

free bonus #2

grain filling video

What if you have grainy cabinets but you'd rather them be flat and smooth? I've also included my How To Fill Wood Grain video tutorial as a free bonus too!

I've just added a NEW video demonstrating the question I'm asked most often...
"What's the best paint sprayer for a beginner that won't break the bank?"

I'm excited to say that I've found, tested and demonstrated a super affordable and easy-to-use paint sprayer option for you!

((And it's priced under $100! ))

I'll show you exactly how to: 
  • Assemble: Put the whole spray gun together quickly and easily

  • Add Material: How to add primer and paint to the gun and thinning ratios to help your paint spray better

  • Adjust Settings: When, Why and How control the knob settings and how they work

  • ​Clean Up: How to clean out your spray gun effectively
What's that you say... 

Still too nervous to use a sprayer?

Don't fret, I will show you the professional way to brush and roll everything too if you'd rather!

30 DAY, MONEY BACK guarantee

I know you'll have the confidence and skill set to rock this job like a pro after completing this course, but if you don't believe I've equipped you with the knowledge needed to complete this job,

I'll give you your money back!

Let's look at real results from real students!
Here's What Tracy Had To Say...

Kayla, I can't thank you enough! Your personal help has been amazing. Your site was the first thing I found in all my research that made me feel confident enough to commit to a method.

No shortcuts - gorgeous before/after pics - and girl, you know your stuff! 

I've learned a ton through you directly and from others asking questions in this group. Thank you, thank you!"

-Tracy P

And here are her results!

And because any paint job can look good from a distance...

Here's a close up of Tracy's cabinet doors!

Look at This student's results!

“Kayla, I can't thank you enough! Your personal help has been amazing. Your site was the first thing I found in all my research that made me feel confident enough to commit to a method.No shortcuts - gorgeous before/after pics - and girl, you know your stuff!  I've learned a ton through you directly and from others asking questions in this group. Thank you, thank you!" -Tracy P
And look at Erin's 

kitchen now!

Wait, So...who am i, 

and why should you listen to me?

Hello my friend...

Painting started out as just a fun hobby for me (I’ve been painting for over half my life), but it developed into a thriving passion about 8 years ago.  

Before painting full-time, I was a hair stylist in my own salon. All of my hair customers knew I loved to paint and decorate, and we'd spend most of their appointment chatting up the different things that interested us. 

Before I knew it, more and more of my hair clients were asking me for paint color suggestions, guidance on painting their own homes, and any hacks I’d discovered along the way. Painting By Kayla Payne LLC -- my local painting company in small-town northwestern Arkansas -- was born.

Slowly, I began helping others tackle their home painting projects and before I knew it, my schedule was SO full of painting jobs that I had to make the hard decision to let one career go. I loved doing hair, but I found my passion in painting!

Soon the realization hit that not everyone could afford to spend the money to hire a specialized professional cabinet painter. People felt stuck. They couldn’t afford to hire it out, but the only other options were:

1) to live in a home they were SO dissatisfied with 

2) try to do it alone without the proper knowledge (you know, following bad online advice from NON-painters), running the risk of being majorly disappointed with their results, and in the end, costing WAY more money to have someone to come in and fix the mistakes.

Something was missing -- I wanted to fill that gap. That’s why I created this course. Training geared to teach the average homeowner with no prior painting experience how they can paint their own cabinets, save loads of money, AND have the beautiful home they long for.

It all comes down to this: I'm passionate about cultivating a budget-friendly, beautiful home where we can fully enjoy our space and who we share it with. I believe that home should evoke feelings of comfort and safety. It should inspire and rejuvenate us. And I believe you CAN have that for yourself. All it takes is a little grit, a bucket of paint, and someone to guide you to success

If You Find Yourself Saying The Following...

It's true, tackling your kitchen cabinets isn't for the faint of heart, but what's worse...?

The thought of painting OR to continue living with a kitchen you DON'T enjoy?!

I'm here to tell you that yes, painting (correctly) is a big task, but it doesn't have to feel impossible or daunting!

I break the process down to teach you what, when and how!


Not a problem!

I understand that even though you're CRAVING a new kitchen, you don't want to mess this up!  

Good news is that,  you're not alone!

I've heard from hundreds of women just like you that the biggest thing holding you back is FEAR.

  • Afraid of messing up.
  • Afraid of using the wrong products or technique. 
  • ​Afraid of being disappointed in the results.
  • ​Afraid of having to do it all alone.

➡ More good news...After 800 others going through this course, the feedback I've heard over and over is that it helped them get over their fear and finally DO IT 🎉




But, how are you supposed to get over the fear and get into action?

Well, if a pro is showing you exactly what to do and how to do it, there's nothing to be afraid of!

...and that is my mission!

☞ I carefully crafted this course with a homeowner with little-to-no painting experience in mind because after personally painting hundreds of kitchens and teaching others to paint, I KNOW where you're most likely to get stuck, hung up and frustrated!

And I've condensed the videos into the step by step processes that demonstrates the professional way to paint.

This is the same content that I use for training anyone I hire as a painter at my company! 

I'm offering these same training materials to YOU for the craziest low price of only $47.00 🤯 

More student testimonials!

you can achieve the same transformative results in your home without...

Wasted Time searching the web for exactly the right process that shows you all the technicalities...It's such a time suck - This course is literally everything you need PLUS live support from me!

Wasted Money from risking going at it alone or following bad advice from a home blogger who painted her cabinets once - then thought she was experienced enough to write a tutorial blog post (sorry, that truth stings a little!)

Second Guessing if you're doing it the right way or not - the bad news is you likely won't know you're doing it the wrong way until it's too late.

 Making a mess and living with regret because you hate the bad results with gross brush marks and drips all over the place...

I know what you're thinking...

"But Kayla, there's a ton of info on cabinet painting out there.What makes your course different?"

Here's exactly why...

No matter how much Pinterest searching and Googling you do,

It's such a time suck!!  

AND then you're still left trying to piece together the basic tidbits of info and praying it's all sound advice! 

how my course is different from

anything else available!

At its core, this course will save you precious TIME and the headache of having to search all over the world wide web for bits and pieces of solid advice, STEP BY STEP training,

And it will give you the confidence that the instruction you receive is professionally tested and proven!

🎉 PLUS - I'm inside the Facebook group for LIVE support every. single. day.

It's true - there's a ton of info out there. If you're anything like me, you've scoured blogs, Facebook, Pinterest and YouTube to find dozens and dozens of articles and pins proclaiming that they have the easiest, quickest, no sanding, no priming, best way to paint your cabinets yourself, right?

Going through these posts could easily give anyone the impression that it's so easy to slap up a coat of paint and call it a day.

(but please don't!)

Sure, you can find free home decor blogs or mommy blogs and how-to posts on Pinterest, but these are often overviews from those who are writing about their

ONE-TIME experience painting 

ONE set of their own cabinets.  

One time does not a pro make.

Don't become a #pinterestfail

Loosely following a home improvement blog post can leave you hanging not knowing the best kind of products to use or the steps to do. 

These kinds of posts -which are overviews at best - are bad news for you (because you simply don't know what you don't know) and they lack the comprehensive information needed to complete a project of this magnitude and do it well.

Honestly, the number of articles out there proclaiming "no prep painting" is astounding and make all professional painters CRINGE!


While these how-to's get you excited to start, they likely don't include the big picture!

And let me be very clear, if you're looking for instructions on painting your cabinets with chalk paint or any type of DIY paint, 


However, if you're looking for an in depth tutorial from a professional painter on a better way to paint your cabinets on your own, 


Course and Bonuses are valued at over $300!

Right Now It's Only

After painting 100+ sets of cabinets, I've made about all the mistakes one can make so 


It's taken years of trial and error, research and practice, but I will show you the best way to get the greatest results!

So many homeowners are simply not in a position to hire a pro to help renovate due to budget constraints, and I 100% empathize.  

By doing it yourself, you'll save THOUSANDS.

There's no need to spend your precious time clicking through browser tabs trying to find bits and pieces of free online info! 

This one-stop-shop will save you SO MUCH TIME so you can get this project crossed off your list FAST!

The market is absolutely flooded with different kinds of paint products these days! 

But I teach what I feel is the best for homeowner's to use in their own home based on years of use and experience.


I know exactly what it's like to feel stuck and unhappy with the way your home looks! I want to help you fall in love with your home & be happy with the way it reflects your style! If a new look to your cabinets is one small way you can achieve this, I am here to help!!

I've created an online community of like-minded DIYers just like yourself where you can get live support from me if you run into issues or have a specific question!

You don't have to do this alone!

Want To See Why I'm So Passionate To Help Homeowners Who Do It Themselves?

Here's why...
Tell me the truth, is this what comes to your mind when you think of a DIY paint job😱

It doesn't have to be this way!!

Now take a look at these  photos that Diane sent to me after she painted her cabinets after taking the 

DIY Cabinet Painting 101 course.

So much better right?!

Trust me, your life will be so much easier with the right guidance and instruction! 

That's why I'm thrilled to invite you along with me!

Just imagine for a minute how refreshing it would feel to make your morning coffee in a kitchen that you freaking LOVE

every day!!!

Look At These Before & Afters...
Can you envision what yours would look like?!
Course and Bonuses are valued at over $300!
On this page, it's priced at only...
  • Seven instructional videos (Valued at $97)

  • ​Linked supply lists to all materials (Valued at $17)

  • ​Exclusive access to our private Facebook group (This group is GOLD!! I'm in there answering all your questions during the process!) - (Valued at $147)

  • ​FREE Bonus instructional glazing video (Valued at $27)

  • FREE ​Bonus instructional grain filling video (Valued at $47) 
30 DAY, MONEY BACK guarantee
I know you'll have the confidence and skill set to rock this job like a pro after completing this course, but if you don't believe I've equipped you with the knowledge needed to complete this job, I'll give you your money back!
More Student Testimonials!
"I wouldn't have been able to 

do it without your class!" 


"...there are learning curves, but

totally doable, obviously" 


"Thank you so much for your 

program, the timing was perfect!" 


No more wishing

it's time to do this!  

Here's where you introduce bonuses.
01. Explain the Bonus
Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros.
02. Explain the Bonus
Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros.
03. Explain the Bonus
Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros.
04. Explain the Bonus
Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros.

"Oh my goodness, Kayla KNOWS HER STUFF when it comes to painting furniture and cabinetry. Coming from a girl who has zero painting experience (hi, that's me!), even I have learned from her personable teaching style, easy-to-follow videos & tutorials, and immense knowledge about her craft. I can be easily intimidated by the processes of painting and even the gear needed for the projects, but Kayla makes it

fun and seem doable--which is a big deal to a total painting newbie like me!"

- lindsey J
“It's hard to find anyone who takes the time to teach others how to do what they do. I have been painting furniture for over 6 yrs & have learned through trial and error as I’m sure many of us have. I have learned better and easier ways to paint cabinets & furniture. She is amazing at what she does, she is so fun to watch & is so helpful to any of us who have questions, even if she has been asked that same question 100 times, she still takes the time to provide you with the answers you need.”

-Natalie p

 "After completing this course, I am 100% confident that I can tackle my own project!"

- Kate G
This course is so helpful and loved the details, tips and video. I learned so much and THANK YOU for the extra video on how to do the cabinets with a brush and roller. Haven't used a spray gun before and don't feel comfortable using it for the first time on my kitchen cabinets. I was hesitant about the price but I am so glad I splurged and purchased the course. Also, enjoy being on the Facebook group. Everyone is so kind and helpful. THANK YOU KAYLA

- Vickie l

I am a professional cabinet painter myself and am always looking to pick up new methods and techniques. I wish I had these videos years ago when I painted my first cabinets. This is perfect for any painting newbies as well as experienced painters... both can take a lot from the videos. She has great tips and does a wonderful job of explaining everything. Will definitely use her advice in the video! Very professional, easy to understand videos.. well worth the price!

- MegAN R
“Kayla is without a doubt, down to earth, easy to communicate with, and of course very knowledgeable! 

She will never allow you to to think you cannot do something... I personally think she is awesome and absolutely wants you to succeed! By doing so -she has videos, tutorials, painting guides, shopping lists, and will give recommended advice whenever you ask! From beginning to pro, she is willing to help, share , and support! Thank you Kayla!”

- jo jo
Q. I've never painted before.  Is this course for me even with zero experience?

A. Yes! I walk through each step simply so that even someone who’s never painted before will walk away with the basic knowledge needed to perform a professional-looking job. And there’s a full supply list so you’ll know exactly what you will need!

Q. Does this course teach how to spray or brush?

A. Both:) I demonstrate both methods! 

Q. Do I need to own a sprayer to complete this course as taught?

A. While I do demonstrate how to use a paint sprayer to prime and paint your cabinet doors, owning one is not necessary. Other options include renting or borrowing a sprayer OR foregoing a sprayer altogether. As a bonus, I’ve included a section on how to brush and roll the cabinet doors too. 

My goal is to provide you with enough knowledge and confidence so you can use either method of application for the most professional looking results! 

Q. What if I get stuck somewhere along the process, will I be able to ask questions or seek help in some way?

A. Yes! I’ve created an exclusive Facebook group for those who purchase the course. In the group, you’ll be able to ask questions and share your work! The group will also be a great resource for learning more about spraying! 

Q. How much mess in my house can I expect and for how long?

A. No one likes to have their house torn apart, I totally get it! I recommend dedicating 5-7 days to complete the task. Uninterrupted days are best, but I know that’s not always possible, so it’s okay to split it up. It’s not imperative that you empty the contents of your cabinets, but there will be some sanding dust to deal with.

Q. How long will I have access to the online material?

A. You'll have unlimited access.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

I can't wait to see your before and after photos!

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